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With this function you can load data sets for SWAT2012 and SWAT+ demo projects. The provided data includes demo projects, and management schedule .csv files.


load_demo(dataset, path = NULL, version = NULL)



Character string to define data set to load. Valid inputs are dataset = c('project', 'schedule'). dataset = 'project' loads a SWAT demo project in the defined path location and returns the final project path as a text string in R. The definition of the version is required. dataset = 'schedule' writes a demo management schedule .csv file for the demo model setup in the path location and returns the file path as a text string.


Character string that defines the path where to copy the SWAT demo project or the demo managment schedule.


Character string that defines the SWAT version. Options are version = c('2012', 'plus'). This argument is required to load SWAT projects and shape files.


To learn how to load the different demo data sets with SWATfarmR see the section Loading the demo data on the package's Get Started page.