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Loading SWATfarmR

You can install SWATfarmR from its GitHub repository. If you did not install the R package yet, install it with remotes::install_github().

# If the package remotes is not installed run first:


Before we start exploring the package load SWATfarmR.

Demo data

To work with SWATfarmR we need a SWAT model setup for which we want to schedule farm management operations and a file in which we define the management operation sequences and the rules on which we base the operation scheduling. I will from now on refer to this file as the management input file. SWATdata provides a set of fast running, lightweight SWAT2012 and SWAT+ model setups of a head watershed of the Little River Experimental Watershed (LREW; Bosch et al. (2007)). SWATfarmR comes with a demo management input file which provides the operation templates for the SWAT+ model setup that is available from SWATdata.

Although the code below can also install SWATdata for you, I recommend to install it before you start working with the example below. To install SWATdata you can use again the remotes package.


Loading the demo data

Demo data can be loaded with the function load_demo(). With the input argument dataset you define which data you want to load. To load a SWAT project simply define dataset = 'project'. The path defines the path on your local hard drive where you want to store the SWAT project folder. Please try to avoid blanks in your path names (e.g. ‘C:/this is a/path with blanks’). This can cause issues when running the model. Try to use e.g. ’_’ in your path names instead. As the SWAT project is available as SWAT+ and as SWAT2012 project you have to specify the version of the SWAT project you want to load. At the moment there is only a demo for SWAT+ available. So, use version = 'plus' to load a SWAT+ project .

# The path where the SWAT demo project will be written
demo_path <- 'Define:/your/path'

# Loading a SWAT+ demo project
proj_path <- load_demo(dataset = 'project', 
                       path = demo_path,
                       version = 'plus')

When you load a SWAT project load_demo() saves the defined SWAT project in the file path that was defined with path = demo_path and returns the final demo project path as a character string in R. I assigned the output of load_demo to the variable proj_path to use this path later with SWATfarmR.

If you set dataset = 'schedule' you can load the demo management input file for the SWAT+ demo project. Again use path = demo_path to define the path where the csv file is written. Although there is only a demo management input file available for SWAT+ available at the moment you have to define version = 'plus'.

# Loading a SWAT+ demo project
mgt_path <- load_demo(dataset = 'schedule', 
                      path = demo_path,
                      version = 'plus')
#> Warning in load_demo(dataset = "project", path = demo_path, version = "+"): Demo
#> already exists in provided 'path'. To work with the existing demo project use
#> the returned path.

Again load_demo() returns the path of the csv file as a character string in R which will be useful in our SWATfarmR workflow. I assigned the file path to the variable mgt_path. The management input file is key to control the management scheduling with SWATfarmR. Setting up this file requires to keep a very clear file structure. For the rules which control the management scheduling you can make use of several variables which eventually affect the operation dates that will be set in the management schedules. So it is worth to have a detailed look into this file.

The management input file

The SWATfarmR workflow reads the management operations from a csv file. Depending how complex you define the management to be for a SWAT model setup this file can be rather long. The csv file can be edited and prepared in any spreadsheet software, such as Excel or Libre office Calc which may be easier than processing the file in R.

The image below shows a minimum example for a management input file for a SWAT+ model setup. The columns land_use, management, weight, filter_attribute, and condition_schedule are the same for SWAT2012 and SWAT+ and are required in the table even if they are left empty. The remaining columns are SWAT version dependent and are the actual operation parameters which are written into the management schedules of the SWAT model input files. SWAT+ management operations consist of the operation type and three parameters for each operation which are called op_data1, op_data2, and op_data3. These names are used as column names in the management input file. SWAT2012 management inputs also use different operation types, but each operation can be controlled by 9 different parameters mgt1 to mgt9. Thus the SWATfarmR management input must be prepared for SWAT2012 model setups accordingly. The following explanations only address the use of SWATfarmR with SWAT+ model setups. An application with SWAT2012 may be added in the future.

Fig. 1: Minimum example of a management input file. The table shows only operations for one land_use and one crop. In the example no management alternatives and filter_attributes would be applied.

In the land_use column all operations that belong to one land use are grouped together. In the small example above all 5 operations should be scheduled for the land use ‘lu1_lum’. All land uses which are defined in land_use must be defined in the file ‘landuse.lum’ and must be assigned to HRUs in ‘hru-data.hru’. Otherwise this management will not be implemented in the model setup.

The columns management and weight are always used together. These provide the option to randomly distribute different managements in a model setup. A SWAT modeler can have for example statistical data on the implementation of conservation farming, but no data is available on the actual locations of implementation. Then management and weight allow a random distribution of e.g. different tillage types in the catchment based on weighted random sampling using the provided weights. Providing information in these columns is optional. Thus in most cases management and weight are left empty.

With filter_unit the user has the option to apply operations only to HRUs which fulfill certain criteria which are defined here. These criteria can for example be a slope threshold, soil type or location (in defined routing units). Below this will be further explained. Providing such criteria is optional and in most cases filter_unit is left empty.

The most important column is condition_schedule in which you define the temporal conditions for scheduling an operation. The conditions which can be defined here are very flexible and endless combinations are possible to control the operation scheduling. This flexibility is however also a potential source for error. Thus the definition of scheduling conditions will be covered in great detail below.

operation and the corresponding parameters op_data 1 to 3 define the actual SWAT management. All management operations and parameters which are defined here must be defined in the SWAT model setup to work. If for example a fertilizer application is defined then op_data1 defines the fertilizer type. In the example above ‘elem_n’ is applied. This fertilizer type must then be defined in the SWAT+ input file ‘fertilizer.frt’.

Fig. 2: Schematic workflow of filtering operation schedules based on land_use, management, and filter_attribute


The land_use label defines to which land use class the sequences of operations that are defined in the table belong to. When the scheduling routine of SWATfarmR iterates over all HRUs, the routine filters all operations from the management input table where the land uses in the column land_use match the HRUs land use (which is defined in the file ‘hru-data.hru’. See the figure above.). This means that you must be careful how you define the land uses in the management input table. Not match land use labels are ignored in the scheduling (e.g. in the case of typos). If you accidentally put an operation sequence for a land use into the table twice all these data will be used in the operation scheduling (so be careful when copy/pasting!).

management and weight

With management and weight you can introduce different management types that you want to apply to HRUs with weighted random sampling. This is useful when you want to translate statistical information into the farm management in a SWAT model setup.

Fig. 3: Filtering operations based on different management alternatives.

Let us assume that in the example above we know from agricultural statistics that for the land_use ‘lu1_lum’ (which was selected for the current HRU) 40% of the farmers do conventional farming and 60% do organic farming. For the different practices we want to implement different tillage types and fertilizer types and amounts. In the management input file we introduce two different managements for all tillage and fertilizer operations. You can select any names for the two different managements. You just have to be consistent with the names for all operations that you want to introduce as alternatives. The percentages of the two farm practices we add as weights for the respective operations. The tillage alternatives only differ in the selected plough type. For the fertilizer operations you can see that ‘conventional’ uses two fertilizer operations while ‘organic’ does one manure application. For all other operations that should be used in both managements just keep the management and the weight columns empty. In the example table you can see that the ‘conventional’ alternative was selected for the current HRU. The white rows in the table will be removed from the operation scheduling of this HRU.


There are cases where we want to use the same management practice sequences (e.g. the same crop rotation) for different HRUs, but we want to introduce some different operations because of some any HRU attributes. You might want to use different tillage practices for different soils, or want to apply contour farming on steeper slopes, or you for example know that the amounts of fertilizer differ between regions (which may correspond to routing units or subbasins in your model setup). Similar to the different managements above you can also select the operation that should be scheduled for an HRU, based on the HRUs attributes. Below you can see the hru_attributes table of a SWATfarmR project. It shows all attributes that implemented to select operations at the moment.

#> # A tibble: 49 × 9
#>      rtu rtu_name   hru hru_name lu_mgt    soil      slp slp_len hyd_grp
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1     1 rtu10        1 hru01    agrl4_lum LREW06 0.0309      60 B      
#>  2     1 rtu10        2 hru02    agrl1_lum LREW06 0.0327      60 B      
#>  3     1 rtu10        3 hru03    agrl1_lum LREW10 0.0282      90 D      
#>  4     1 rtu10        4 hru04    agrl1_lum LREW09 0.0215      90 C      
#>  5     1 rtu10        5 hru05    frse_lum  LREW06 0.0432      60 B      
#>  6     1 rtu10        6 hru06    frse_lum  LREW03 0.0386      60 B      
#>  7     1 rtu10        7 hru07    frse_lum  LREW10 0.0321      60 D      
#>  8     1 rtu10        8 hru08    frse_lum  LREW05 0.0460      60 B      
#>  9     1 rtu10        9 hru09    frse_lum  LREW08 0.0582      30 C      
#> 10     1 rtu10       10 hru10    agrl2_lum LREW03 0.0363      60 B      
#> # … with 39 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

The attributes that can be useful in practice are rtu, soil, slp, slp_len, and hyd_grp. You can use and combine filter conditions for these attributes in many different ways. You should however clearly consider the consequences for the operation scheduling when you filter operations based on HRU attributes. In the schematic workflow in Fig. 2 you can for example see that I introduced 2 conditions which complement each other. By conditioning one operation with slp >= 0.08 and a second one with slp < 0.08 one of the two operations will be used and there will not be a case where none or both operations are kept in the operation schedule. Below I show a few small examples for conditions to filter based on HRU attributes.

If you want to use a specific operation for example only in the management schedules of the routing units 1 to 5, 7, and 10 you could for example use the following condition:

rtu %in% c(1:5, 7, 10)

If you add this condition for one operation but you do not provide an alternative all other routing units will not use an alternative to this operation. To provide an alternative for all other locations you can for example use the following condition for the alternative operation:

! rtu %in% c(1:5, 7, 10)

To apply an operation only for the soil ‘LREW06’ you can use the following:

soil == 'LREW06'

The alternative again would be:

soil != 'LREW06'

If you want to consider several soils, this is the way to do it:

soil %in% c('LREW06', 'LREW09')

You can also combine conditions:

soil != 'LREW06' & rtu  %in% c(1:5, 7, 10) & slp <= 0.08

This operation would be implemented for all HRUs with a soil type that is not ‘LREW06’ for the routing units 1 to 5, 7, and 10 and only on slopes lower equal to 0.08.


condition_schedule controls the temporal scheduling of the management operations. The condition definition works in similar to the attribute filtering with filter_attribute. The main difference is that filter_attribute requires either TRUE or FALSE as a result from the filter condition to decide whether an operation is scheduled for an HRU or not. condition_schedule, however, allows to assign probabilities to dates based on the defined conditions to control “how likely” it is that an operation takes place on a certain day. Similar to filter_attribute there are a few default variables that the user can use to define scheduling conditions. The table below summarizes them.

Variable Definition Usage
prev_op Date of the previous operation in <date> format. 2000-01-01
date Date of the actual operation in <date> format. 2000-01-01
year Year of a date in a 4 digit integer format. 2000
month Month of a date as integer value. Numbers 1 to 12
day Day of a date as integer value. Numbers 1 to 31
jdn Julian of a date as integer value. Numbers 1 to 366
md Month and day of a date as a combined integer value. e.g. 101 (Jan. 1), 1125 (Nov. 25)
ymd Month and day and year of a date as a combined integer value. e.g. 20000101 (Jan. 1 2000)
pcp Daily precipitation sum for a certain date in mm. 1.23
tmax Maximum daily temperature for a certain date in mm. 1.23
tmin Minimum daily temperature for a certain date in mm. 1.23
tav Average daily temperature for a certain date in mm. 1.23
hu_<crop> SWAT+ specific. Heat units of a crop at a certain date after planting and before harvesting that crop. Replace with the crop that was planted. hu_wwht for winter wheat
grw_<crop> SWAT+ specific. Days a crop is already growing after planting that crop. Replace with the crop that was planted. grw_wwht for winter wheat
hu SWAT2012 specific. Heat units of a crop at a certain date after planting and before harvesting that crop. No handle needed as only one crop can grow on an HRU at the same time.
hu_fr SWAT2012 specific. Heat unit fraction of a crop at a certain date after planting and before harvesting that crop. No handle needed as only one crop can grow on an HRU at the same time. The fraction is calculated based on hu and the heat units that were defined for a crop when planting.

Fig. 4 again shows the management input from the previous examples after selecting all rows where land_use is ‘lu1_lum’ and after selecting the ‘conventional’ management and filtering the operations by specific HRU attributes. You can immediately see two things in the column condition_schedule. The conditions do have a similar structure as the conditions for filter_attribute and that there are operations where condition_schedule is left empty.

An empty condition_schedule can have two functions:

  1. The operation initial_plant does not use any conditions to set the operation. skip can be triggered with conditions but does not necessarily need one.
  2. For other operations (e.g. fertilizer application of elem_p in Fig.4) leaving condition_schedule empty results in scheduling this operation at the same date as the previous operation.

Fig. 4: Example for operation schedule with temporal conditions.

All conditions that were implemented to control the scheduling of the operations in the example in Fig. 4 follow almost the same pattern. The condition for the plant operation for example is the following:

(md >= 0427) * (md <= 0507) * (1 - w_log(pcp, 0, 7)) * (year == year(prev_op))

You can see that it uses the variables md, pcp, year, and prev_op that are listed in the table above. Further the condition uses the two functions w_log() and year(). year() is available from the R package lubridate and returns the year of a date as an integer value. w_log() on the other hand is a function that was included in SWATfarmR. The function implements a logistic function to calculate weights with a smooth transition between an upper and lower value. Besides w_log() there is also w_lin() which does a linear transition between the upper and the lower value. Below you can see how the two functions look like. A major difference between the two functions is that w_log() converges to 0 and 1 at its boundaries, but does not reach these values, while w_lin() reaches 0 and 1 at its boundaries. Overall I always prefer to use w_log() in the condition definition as it is safer to not risk of having all probabilities for an operation 0 but very low and thus risking to skip the scheduling of an operation. This can however happen more easily with w_lin() resulting in 0.

x <- seq(-0.5,1.5, length.out = 100)
log_wgt <- w_log(x, 0, 1)
lin_wgt <- w_lin(x, 0, 1)

plot(x, log_wgt, type = 'l', col = 2, ylab = 'weight')
lines(x, lin_wgt, col = 4, lty = 2)

legend("topleft", legend=c("w_log", "w_lin"),
       col=c("red", "blue"), lty = 1:2, cex=0.8)
Fig. 5: Functional relationship of a variable with the two weight functions w_log() and w_lin().

Fig. 5: Functional relationship of a variable with the two weight functions w_log() and w_lin().

We will now go through the individual conditions that were combined by multiplying them. The first two conditions use md. In the first expression md >= 0427, which means the combination of month and day must be larger or equal to 427. This translates to a date in any year later or equal than April 27. The second expression translates to all dates in any year earlier or equal to May 7. When we multiply those two expressions all dates between April 27 and May 7 get a probability of 1 while all dates outside of this time window do have a probability of 0.

(md >= 0427) * (md <= 0507)

The third expression uses the w_log() function together with precipitation. The second and third input argument in the function define the lower and upper boundary values of the transition range. In this case w_log() returns the value 0.01 when pcp = 0 and a value 0.99 when pcp = 7.

(1 - w_log(pcp, 0, 7))

Plotting the function shows the intention of this condition. We assign to all daily precipitation values of 0 mm a weight of (almost) 1. Yet, precipitation sums of 2 mm still result in a probability of 0.88 while at 4 mm the probability dercreases to 0.34. Daily precipitation sums of larger than 7 mm receive a weight of (almost) 0. This condition makes the scheduling of operations on days that exceed a certain precipitation less likely.

pcp <- seq(0, 8, length.out = 100)
weight <- (1 - w_log(pcp, 0, 7))

plot(pcp, weight, type = 'l')
Fig. 6: Example for using w_log() to assign lower weights to days with higher precipitation.

Fig. 6: Example for using w_log() to assign lower weights to days with higher precipitation.

We can now combine all 3 conditions and use this combination for scheduling the plant operation. When we compare the time series of precipitation and the weights based on precipitation we can see that all days without precipitation get a weight of 1 while rainy days will have a weight lower than one. The red bars show the combined weights for all days. You can see that the conditions with md define the time window between April 27 and May 7. In this time window dates are then excluded or have a lower weight depending on the precipitation on these dates. The operation scheduling algorithm selects a date for an operation with weighted random sampling. Thus all dates with a weight > 0 can be selected. Dates with larger weights are however more likely to be selected than dates with smaller weights.

Fig. 5: Combination of 3 conditions to a combined condition for scheduling an operation.

Fig. 5: Combination of 3 conditions to a combined condition for scheduling an operation.

The fourth element of the entire scheduling condition refers to the year. This is necessary because the md conditions only constrain the time window by month and day. This time window is however given in the current year of scheduling, but also in all future years. Thus, there is a risk that the scheduling of an operation skips years. To avoid the skipping of years I strongly recommend to add a constrain that the current operation must be scheduled in the same year as the previous operation.

(year == year(prev_op))

This constrain does however not apply to the first operation or the first operation of any year in a crop rotation. In this case you can, however, define that this operation should take place in the year that is the year of the previous operation plus 1.

(year == year(prev_op) + 1)

operation and op_data

The columns operation, op_data1, op_data2, and op_data3 are eventually written into the ’management.sch’ input file of the SWAT+ model setup. Different operations require different op_data parameters. Please refer to the SWAT+ documentation to learn how to define the parameters for the management operations.

A selection of operations are available in SWAT which you can trigger in a SWAT simulation. The table below lists the SWATfarmR labels and their corresponding SWAT+ labels.

SWATfarmR code SWAT+ code Definition
plant plnt Planting operation
irrigation irrm Irrigation operation
fertilizer fert Fertilizer application
pesticide pest Pesticide application
harvest_kill hvkl Harvest and kill the plant
tillage till Tillage operation
harvest_only harv Only harvest the plant (or a part of the plant)
kill_only kill Kill the plant
grazing graz Grazing operation
street_sweeping swep Sweeping operation
burn burn Burning operation
skip skip Skip a year
initial_plant inip Define the initial crop

The only non-SWAT specific operation in the table above is initial_plant. This is a required input for every land_use that is defined in the management input file. The initial_plant must refer to a plant community that is defined in the ‘plant.ini’ SWAT+ input file.

A new SWATfarmR project in R

SWATfarmR uses an object based approach to work with your SWAT project. This means that when you start a new SWATfarmR project an object (I will call it farmr project or farmr object, if I refer to the R object, from now on) will be generated in your R environment. The farmr project stores relevant data of your SWAT project, such as the weather data or HRU attributes and provides functions to work with theses data and eventually allows you to schedule management operation for your SWAT project. In this small example we will use the demo data that I described in the section Demo data above. If you did not load the demo project and the demo management input file yet, please do that before you continue. To start a new farmr project use the function new_farmr(). The function requires two inputs. First you have to name your project. This will be the name of your farmr project in R and the name of the ‘.farm’ file in your SWAT project folder. If you want to generate several farmr projects for a SWAT project, they have to have different names. The function also requires the path of your SWAT project on the hard drive as an input argument. In this example I will call the farmr project lrew_demo and will use the path of the demo SWAT project proj_path which we already defined in the section Demo data.

new_farmr(project_name ='lrew_demo', 
          project_path = proj_path)

#>  Finished in 1S  

Now have a look in to your R variables. There is now a new object called lrew_demo which is our farmr project. You will also find the file ‘’ in your SWAT project folder. This is the file where all your work with in your farmr project will be saved and from which you can load your farmr project to continue with your work.

A quick look into the farmr object

You can now start exploring the generated farmr object in R. To see all elements that are in the new project you can use the $ operator, like you would access elements of a list in R. Fig. 6 shows a screenshot of the new farmr object and the suggestions to select an element after entering the $ operator. The first 4 elements are functions to apply operations to your farmr project. The last element .$.data holds the data that was read from the SWAT project, such as the weather inputs ‘pcp’ and ‘tmp’ or HRU attributes.

From the 4 functions, only .$add_variable() and .$read_management() are relevant to you as a user. .$initialize() is synonymous to new_farmr() which we already performed. With .$save() you can save the current state of the farmr project at any time. Saving is however done after each operation automatically. Thus, manually saving should not be necessary. After executing some of the functions and working through the operation scheduling, new functions will be activated (e.g. after reading the management input with .$read_management() the function .$schedule_operations() becomes visible).

Fig. 6: Screenshot of the new farmr object in R.

Reading the management input

We will now read the management input file for the demo project which we saved on the hard drive in the path mgt_path into the farmr project. This is done with the function .$read_management().

lrew_demo$read_management(file = mgt_path)

#> Warning: No management schedules were found for the following SWAT land uses: 
#>   utrn_lum, urml_lum
#>   If managements should be written for any of these land uses
#>   please add them to the management table and read the table again.

You can see that loading the management input file triggers a warning message. The management input file does not define any management for the land uses ‘utrn_lum’ and ‘urml_lum’. In this case this is OK and we can ignore the warning message as we do not want to apply any management to the urban land uses. If the warning message however lists land uses of your model setup for which you intend to implement a management you should go back to your management input file, include the managements for the missing land uses and load it again with .$read_management(). Besides the input argument file, .$read_management() also has a second input argument discard_schedule. You can ignore this when reading a management into a new farmr project. You have to set this however discard_schedule = TRUE if you already scheduled operations with an other management input file, but you want to change the management inputs. Then the already scheduled operations would not match the new management input file that you plan to read. In this case you would have to discard the already scheduled operations.

Reading the management input into our farmr project lrew_demo unlock the function .$schedule_operations(). With .$schedule_operations() we can schedule management operations based on the operations and conditions that we defined in the management input file. We can just try to run the operation scheduling and see what happens.


#> Scheduling operations:
#> Error in `mutate()`:
#> ! Problem while computing `wgt = ... * (year == (year(prev_op) + 1))`.
#> Caused by error in `w_log()`:
#> ! object 'api' not found
#> Backtrace:
#>   1. lrew_demo$schedule_operations()
#>  10. SWATfarmR::w_log(api, 5, 20)

Scheduling operations triggered an error. A closer look into the error message tells us that object 'api' not found and that the error occurred in SWATfarmR::w_log(api, 5, 20). This looks like one of the operation conditions in the management input file. If you have a look into the demo management input file you can see that I actually included the variable api into the scheduling conditions with the function (1 - w_log(api, 5, 20)). The variable api is however no default variable (see again the table in the subsection condition_schedule) and we have to add this variable to the farmr project if we want to use it in the scheduling conditions.

Adding variables

My intention with the api condition was to include the antecedent precipitation (api = antecedent precipitation index) as a condition for the operation scheduling. A disadvantage of SWATfarmR compared to decision tables in SWAT+ is that the operation scheduling with SWATfarmR cannot make use of the values of any state variables during the simulation which is possible with decision tables. While for example decision tables can use the soil moisture as a condition, SWATfarmR must use a proxy variable which is related to the “wetness” of the soil.

Excursus variable_decay()

One approach to account for the precipitation of previous days would be to calculate the precipitation sums for a certain number of days before the current day. This might however not be the best approach to do that. As an alternative approach, I included a function called variable_decay() in SWATfarmR which assigns weights to previous days based on exponential decay. The example below shows how the weight of an event on day 1 changes for following days. Depending on the decay_rate the weight of day 1 would only have a weight of 0.37 for a decay_rate = 1, but still be accounted with 0.78 with a decay_rate = 0.25. The event on day 1 would not have much impact from day 5 on for decay_rate = 1, but would still have a weight of 0.37 for decay_rate = 0.25.

x <- data.frame(x_1 = c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
y1<- variable_decay(variable = x, n_steps = -10, decay_rate = 1)
y2<- variable_decay(variable = x, n_steps = -10, decay_rate = 0.8)
y3<- variable_decay(variable = x, n_steps = -10, decay_rate = 0.25)

plot(y1$x_1, type = "l", col = 1, ylab = 'weight', xlab = 'day')
lines(y2$x_1, col = 2)
lines(y3$x_1, col = 3)
Fig. 7: The effect of `decay_rate` on the `variable_decay()` function.

Fig. 7: The effect of decay_rate on the variable_decay() function.

The small example below should illustrate how we can use variable_decay() to account for antecedent precipitation. The black bars in the plot are daily precipitation sums. I calculated variable_decay() including the 5 previous days (time_steps <- -5) and used the two rates 0.25 (black line) and 1 (red line). If we would condition api now with the rule that triggered the error above ((1 - w_log(api, 5, 20))) we would get lower probabilities for the days after the large precipitation event on day 4 for both api time series. While the red line would be already below 5 mm on day 6, the black line does not fall below 11.5 mm. Thus, in the case of the black line several days after a rain event would have lower weights in the operation scheduling. The behaviors of the two api lines could e.g. be translated to different water retention behaviors of different soils.

pcp <- data.frame(pcp_1 = c(0,3,7,15,2,0,0,5,2,0))

time_steps <- -5

rate1 <- 0.25
api1 <- variable_decay(pcp, time_steps, rate1)

rate2 <- 1
api2 <- variable_decay(pcp, time_steps, rate2)

plot(pcp$pcp_1, ylim = c(0,22), type = 'h', 
     ylab = 'pcp, api', xlab = 'day')
lines(api1$pcp_1, col = 1)
lines(api2$pcp_1, col = 2)
Fig. 8: Two different api time series based on precipitation input and different decay rates

Fig. 8: Two different api time series based on precipitation input and different decay rates

Including api into lrew_demo

We now want to include a new variable api into the SWATfarmR project lrew_demo which uses the function variable_decay() to account for the antecedent precipitation. api in each HRU will be based on the precipitation time series that is linked with an HRU. In this small example we also want to account for different hydrological soil groups (HSG) to consider faster (hsg == 'A') and slower (hsg == 'D') soil water retention. Be aware that the approach below works in such a simple way as we only have one weather station for the entire demo watershed. In a more complex example with several weather stations you also must account for the links between weather stations and HRUs. Thus, this would also require to calculate all combinations of weather stations and HSGs, which would result in more than only 4 api variables. In a first step we will extract the precipitation data and the HSG information for all HRUs from lrew_demo$.data.

# Load dplyr. We will use functions such as 'mutate' and 'select'.
# Extract the precipitation from the farmr project
pcp <- lrew_demo$.data$variables$pcp

# Extract the hydrologic soil group values for all HRUs
hsg <- select(lrew_demo$.data$meta$hru_attributes, hru, hyd_grp)

In a next step we calculate different apis based on the precipitation data pcp, but using different decay_rates for the different HSGs. The values that I set here for the decay rates are no literature values and were only chosen for demonstration of the concept here. In an actual study the choice of values for decay_rate would need some supporting literature. We combine the variables api_A to api_D together into one table and assign the names 'api_A' to 'api_D' to the columns.

# Calculate api values for the hsg classes A to D
api_A <- variable_decay(variable = pcp, n_steps = -5, decay_rate = 1)
api_B <- variable_decay(variable = pcp, n_steps = -5, decay_rate = 0.8)
api_C <- variable_decay(variable = pcp, n_steps = -5, decay_rate = 0.7)
api_D <- variable_decay(variable = pcp, n_steps = -5, decay_rate = 0.5)

# Bind the data together into one api table and name them with the hsgs
api <- bind_cols(api_A, api_B, api_C, api_D)
names(api) <- c('api_A', 'api_B', 'api_C', 'api_D')

This is how the final api table looks like.

#> # A tibble: 9,131 × 4
#>     api_A api_B api_C api_D
#>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 20.3   20.3  20.3  20.3 
#>  2 30.3   32.0  33.0  35.2 
#>  3 11.2   14.4  16.4  21.3 
#>  4  4.11   6.46  8.13 12.9 
#>  5  1.51   2.90  4.04  7.85
#>  6  8.18   8.92  9.62 12.4 
#>  7  5.50   6.38  7.01  9.04
#>  8  7.05   7.76  8.22  9.42
#>  9  2.59   3.49  4.08  5.72
#> 10  0.954  1.57  2.03  3.47
#> # … with 9,121 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

We now generated four different time series for api depending on different retention behaviors based on the HSGs A to D. For the implementation in the farmr object we have to link the different api time series to spatial units of the model setup. Thus, the table to link variables and spatial units must have two columns, one for the ids of the spatial units and one for the variable link. We could link e.g. on a routing unit level if we would use rtu ids, or to HRUs by assigning an api column to each hru id in the model setup. In this case we link HRUs and our new variable. The only variable that determines the link of the api columns with the HRUs is the HSG of an HRU. We already extracted hsg above and will now link the hrus with the apis, by creating a table with the columns hru and api.

# To add the variable to the farmR you have to tell it which variables are
# assigned to which HRUs
hru_asgn <- mutate(hsg, api = paste0('api_', hyd_grp)) %>% 
  select(hru, api)

A quick look at the table shows as how the links between HRUs and api looks like.

#> # A tibble: 49 × 2
#>      hru api  
#>    <dbl> <chr>
#>  1     1 api_B
#>  2     2 api_B
#>  3     3 api_D
#>  4     4 api_C
#>  5     5 api_B
#>  6     6 api_B
#>  7     7 api_D
#>  8     8 api_B
#>  9     9 api_C
#> 10    10 api_B
#> # … with 39 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

We prepared all information that we need to add a new variable. We can add now the new variable to the farmr object with the function .$add_variable(). The data we want to add is the table api that we prepared. The added data must have the same number of rows as all other variables that are already in the farmr object. This is ensured in this case as we used pcp from lrew_demo to calculate api. We assign the variable name = 'api' to the new variable in lrew_demo. The name must match the variable name that is used in the operation conditions of the management input file and must be different to the names of the already existing variables. The third input argument assign_unit links the new variable to the HRUs. Above we defined the links between hrus and apis in the table hru_asgn which we will now pass to .$add_variable.

# Add the variable api to the farmR project
lrew_demo$add_variable(data = api, name = 'api', assign_unit = hru_asgn)

We can now check if the new variable api is available in lrew_demo. api should be available in lrew_demo$.data$variables$api.

#> # A tibble: 9,131 × 5
#>    date        api_A api_B api_C api_D
#>    <date>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1988-01-02 20.3   20.3  20.3  20.3 
#>  2 1988-01-03 30.3   32.0  33.0  35.2 
#>  3 1988-01-04 11.2   14.4  16.4  21.3 
#>  4 1988-01-05  4.11   6.46  8.13 12.9 
#>  5 1988-01-06  1.51   2.90  4.04  7.85
#>  6 1988-01-07  8.18   8.92  9.62 12.4 
#>  7 1988-01-08  5.50   6.38  7.01  9.04
#>  8 1988-01-09  7.05   7.76  8.22  9.42
#>  9 1988-01-10  2.59   3.49  4.08  5.72
#> 10 1988-01-11  0.954  1.57  2.03  3.47
#> # … with 9,121 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

The connections between variables and HRUs are saved in the table hru_var_connect. We can see that besides the initially existing variables pcp, tmax, tmin, and tav which link to the weather station, there is now a new column that links to the api columns that we generated.

#> # A tibble: 49 × 9
#>      rtu rtu_name   hru hru_name pcp    tmax     tmin     tav      api  
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>
#>  1     1 rtu10        1 hru01    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_B
#>  2     1 rtu10        2 hru02    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_B
#>  3     1 rtu10        3 hru03    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_D
#>  4     1 rtu10        4 hru04    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_C
#>  5     1 rtu10        5 hru05    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_B
#>  6     1 rtu10        6 hru06    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_B
#>  7     1 rtu10        7 hru07    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_D
#>  8     1 rtu10        8 hru08    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_B
#>  9     1 rtu10        9 hru09    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_C
#> 10     1 rtu10       10 hru10    pcp144 lrew_tmp lrew_tmp lrew_tmp api_B
#> # … with 39 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Scheduling operations

lrew_demo now contains a management input file and all the required variables that are used in the scheduling conditions. So we can start scheduling management operations. We can again use the function .$schedule_operations() that was unlocked after reading the management input file. .$schedule_operations() has three input arguments.

The first two input arguments are start_year and end_year. By default .$schedule_operations() would schedule farm management operations for the entire time period that is available from the variable time series. Above you can see that the date of api starts in 1988 (and ends in 2012). This is the available time period of the weather data that was used in the model setup process. Scheduling farm management operations can be quite time intensive and may run several hours for larger model setups. Thus I recommend to constrain the time window for the operation scheduling to a shorter time period if any time period outside of the defined time window would never be used in simulations. Be aware that if you want to use a time period that is not covered by start_year and end_year would require to repeat the scheduling.

The third input argument is n_schedule which is useful to speed up the scheduling process a bit by reducing the number of different schedules. n_schedule controls how many different schedules per land use and routing unit will be generated. Default a unique operation schedule will be generated for each HRU. If e.g. n_schedule = 1 a schedule will be generated for a certain land use in a routing unit and all other land uses within the same routing unit would use the same schedule. Our small demo watershed for example only consists of one routing unit with 49 HRUs. 3 HRUs use the land use ‘lrew_ag1’. In this case only 1 schedule would be generated if n_schedule = 1 and the other two HRUs would use the same schedule (which saves computation time as the scheduling process would simply be skipped for those 2 HRUs). If e.g n_schedule = 2 the first 2 HRUs would get different schedules and the third HRU would select one of the two existing schedules randomly.

In our simple example we want to generate operation schedules for the time window 2000 to 2008. We will only generate two individual schedules per land use.

lrew_demo$schedule_operations(start_year = 2000, end_year = 2008, n_schedule = 2)

#> Scheduling operations:
#>  HRU 1 of 49   Time elapsed: 0S   Time remaining: 48S
#> Scheduling operations:
#>  Finished scheduling 49 HRUs in 11S 

Writing operations

When the scheduling was successful we can write the scheduled operations into the SWAT project using the function .$write_operations(). .$write_operations() again uses the two optional input arguments start_year and end_year. Within the scheduled time window we can select a shorter time window to write the operations for. This is for example an interesting option if you want to only write the operations for the calibration time period, run the simulations to calibrate the model and then rewrite the management for the validation period. If start_year and end_year are not used the entire time period that was scheduled will be written into the management files. For the demo project we will write the management in the time window 2000 to 2005.

lrew_demo$write_operations(start_year = 2000, end_year = 2005)

#> Writing management files:
#>   - Writing 'hru-data.hru'
#>   - Writing 'landuse.lum' and 'schedule.mgt'
#>   - Writing 'time.sim'
#> Finished writing management schedules in 1S

From the output message you can see that for a SWAT+ setup the files ‘hru-data.hru’, ‘landuse.lum’, ‘schedule.mgt’, and ‘time.sim’ are overwritten. In ‘landuse.lum’ you can see that copies of the initial agricultural land uses were made and a suffix <rout_unit>_<i_schedule> with two values was added to differentiate between the individual scheduled managements. The last suffix is either 1 or 2 as we limited the number of individual schedules per land use to 2.

Fig. 9: Screenshot of the rewritten ‘landuse.lum’ file in the SWAT+ project.

The HRUs in the ‘hru-data.hru’ now point to the new land uses in ‘landuse.lum’.

Fig. 10: Screenshot of the rewritten ‘hru-data.hru’ file in the SWAT+ project.

Fig. 11 shows a screenshot of the written operation schedule for agrl1_mgt_1_1 in ‘schedule.mgt’. You can see that operations for 6 years (2000 to 2005) were written. The scheduled operation dates are now selected based on the conditions in the management input file and the time series of the weather variables and the additional variable api. I therefore want to stress that the scheduled operation dates are always linked to the simulation period, which is controlled by the input file ‘time.sim’. Thus, ‘time.sim’ is always written together with the management schedule. By manually changing the simulation period in ‘time.sim’ we would loose this link between scheduling conditions and the time series of the variables.

Fig. 11: Screenshot of the rewritten ‘schedule.mgt’ file in the SWAT+ project.

Resetting the SWAT project

Writing the management schedules overwrites the original SWAT project input files. The farmr project however made a copy of the initial input files which will be overwritten. With .$reset_files() you can reset the project to its initial version.


#> Resetting all management files:
#>   - Resetting 'hru-data.hru'
#>   - Resetting 'landuse.lum' and 'schedule.mgt'
#>   - Resetting 'time.sim'
#> Finished resetting management files in 0S 

This can be for instance relevant if you want to setup a new farmr project for the initial state of the SWAT model setup which uses the original land use label without any suffixes. If you would start a new farmr project with the rewritten ‘landuse.lum’ file, .$read_management() would warn you that for all land uses that now have a suffix added no managements are defined in the management input file. To correctly link the land uses of the HRUs with the operation schedules defined in the management input file you would have to reset the input files in the SWAT project folder first.


Bosch, D. D., Sheridan, J. M., Lowrance, R. R., Hubbard, R. K., Strickland, T. C., Feyereisen, G. W. and Sullivan, D. G.: Little river experimental watershed database, Water Resources Research, 43(9), doi:10.1029/2006wr005844, 2007.